The dust has finally settled on our most successful HRC trip to date and it's time to look back on the ups and downs of the show! Didn't manage to find the time to get down to see us? Find the show highlights below or arrange a viewing in our Blackburn based showroom to see a selection of our products, just contact [email protected] for more information.
Getting Geared Up For HRC22
Going into 2021 we knew it would stand to be another challenging few years in the industry and with shows due open up around the country it was clear that this was the show that we needed to make the biggest statement yet. Exhibiting as our core brand Blizzard we went big. Real Big. Taking a whopping 10m x 5m stand for the first time we were determined to show as much product as possible and make the most of the shows decision to join up with so many other great shows in order to drive footfall.
Working with our stand designers Moda Exhibitions we designed a modern, clean and on brand presence in order to showcase the best of Blizzard while also breaking new ground for Pentland Wholesale by creating Blizzard centric product guides and goodie bags to hand out (Be sure to share your pics on social!).
The Show
3 Whole days of meet and greets with both familiar and new faces set our team up for a busy period but we couldn't have loved it any more. This year we made the decision to showcase as many new faces as possible with new teams on the stand everyday allowing 9 members of staff to experience the show and meet their customers, and they did just that! Speaking to 100s of businesses over the period we gained both crucial contacts and insight into how to further the Blizzard brand going forward.
While speaking to our customers was key, it was clear from the get go that the end users would be in abundance at this multifunctional show and we were not wrong. Cafes, butty shops, desert take aways, bars and more all popped by the stand to see how Blizzard could help them further their businesses and what products would be hitting the market soon.
Speaking of new products, did you know we took 3 brand new products for 2022 to the show along with 1 product that hasn't even been announced yet! And just to prove our instincts right they were by far the most popular products on the stand. The BIM ice machines fill a hole in the market at a low price while our new and improved upright refrigeration units give you the eco centric boost you were searching for at the same great price! By far our most popular unit though was our NEW heated display that was so hot of the press we didn't even know it was coming till 2 days before the show! If you want to check these products out arrange a viewing at our show room based in Blackburn.
So What Next?
Over the coming months Blizzard will be undergoing some changes that we hope will continue to develop the brand into a strong presence in sector. With plans for a updated website, new products and possibly another show within the next year we're super excited for what's to come. Be sure to follow our journey on social media or get in touch with [email protected] to see how Blizzard can help you.