Next Day Delivery Available

100s Of Refrigeration & Catering Products

Collection & Disposal Service

Delivery Services & Options

Our delivery charges depend on your order’s number of units, their size, weight and where they are going.


Below you will find a summary of all delivery options we currently offer. This is categorised into three sections: UK Mainland, Scottish Highlands and Offshore

Deliveries, to make it easy for you to find the information you are looking for.


You are always able to order online and collect  from our warehouse in Blackburn, to receive 2.5% discount on the total of your order.



UK Mainland Delivery Options


Standard Delivery

Free of charge for any unit of any size, delivered on the next available day. Our transport team will need your permission over the phone to schedule

delivery so make sure you pick up our calls!


DPD Delivery

Small units are usually able to be delivered via DPD. As long as you’ve placed your order before 3.30PM and the delivery is going to a UK Mainland postcode, it

will be with you the next working day free of charge. If you need your order to be with you sooner than the next working day, DPD offers a Saturday

delivery that comes with a charge of £39.


In case of an unsuccessful, previously confirmed delivery, there is a charge of £20 to cover the cost of bringing the unit back to us, so make sure you don’t miss it!


Overnight / Saturday Delivery

Place your order before 4PM and your order will be with you the next working day. This service is charged per unit starting from £29 but depending on the

size and weight of the unit the charge varies.


If you need your order with you sooner than next working day, we do offer a Saturday delivery service. The cost includes an overnight charge for each unit,

plus a £69 + VAT surcharge.


Not all units are eligible for next day delivery, so make sure you check the delivery options for your unit on our website.



Regardless the day of your delivery, you are able to choose a morning or afternoon time slot for an extra charge of £25 or £75 per delivery, depending on the

carrier and type of delivery.


Unpack and Position

Do you need us to unpack and position your new appliance exactly where you need it? This service starts at £28 depending on the size, weight and type of unit.

We will remove all packaging for you and take it away with us to save you unnecessary hustle. This service does not include removal of protective wrap or installation.



Our installation services start at £149 depending on the size, weight and type of the unit. We will only be able to install your unit at a prepared site on a ground

floor level that’s accessible with no steps or obstructions in the way.


Full install includes assembly of shelves and baskets, and removal of protective wrap on top of all other packaging. This service doesn’t include hard wiring to

an electrical supply, plumbing, gas or remote installation. You will require a qualified engineer to do this for you.


When it comes to installation of icemakers and glass/dish washers, the process is slightly different as we need to send out an engineer to complete the

job. This will be booked up to 7 working days after delivery.


Are there stairs in the way?

We will need to know about those in advance as we require pictures to deduct whether the carrier will be able to walk up them with your unit. This comes with

a charge of £150 + an unpack and position charge.


Scrap Collection

If you’re replacing an old or broken down unit, we will happily take it off your hands and dispose of it safely.

Starting at £60 per unit, the appliance will be picked up on the same day as your delivery. Please ensure

the unit is empty, clean and outside of the premises. Failure of scrap collections are the responsibility of the customer.

We do offer a scrap collection only service which starts at £100.

Aborted Delivery Charge

In a case of an unsuccessful, previously confirmed delivery, there will be a charge to cover our carriers taking the unit back to us which starts at £71.50.

You will not be reimbursed for any extra charges selected for your delivery, such as unpack and position.


Scottish Highlands

Standard Delivery

Our standard delivery to Scottish Highlands takes up to 5 business days and comes with a charge determined by the size and weight of the order, and most

importantly where it is going. The starting price is £62 and can go up to £366 per unit.


DPD Delivery

If your order is small enough to qualify for DPD delivery, it will take between 2-3 business days for your order to make its way to you, free of charge.


In a case of an unsuccessful, previously confirmed delivery, there is a charge of £20 to cover the cost of bringing the unit back to us so make sure you don’t miss it!


Collection & Disposal

Are you replacing an old appliance? We can help you get rid of it and dispose of appropriately and safely. With a wait time between 7 to 10 working days, we

quote the price for this service on application.


Aborted Delivery Charge

Our transport team works hard to make sure your delivery arrives safely at a time previously agreed on with you.

If the delivery is unsuccessful or you refuse to accept the delivery, there are cancellation charges to cover the cost of bringing the order back to us. This starts at

£103 but can go up to £452 per unit, depending on the delivery address and the size and weight of the order.

You will not be reimbursed for any extra charges selected for your delivery, such as unpack and position.


Offshore Deliveries

Standard Delivery to Northern Ireland

Priced from £15 per unit, depending on the size, weight and type of the appliance. All deliveries include a required customs admin fee at £15+VAT, which covers

up to 5 units. The delivery can take up to 5 working days to reach you.


Certain units are charged on application or might not be available for delivery.


DPD Delivery to Northern Ireland

Certain smaller units qualify for a DPD delivery charged at £15 per unit. The delivery will be with you within 5 working days.


In a case of an unsuccessful, previously confirmed delivery, there is a charge of £20 to cover the cost of bringing the unit back to us so make sure you don’t miss it!


Standard Delivery to EIRE / Southern Ireland

Priced from £39 per unit, depending on the size, weight and type of the appliance. All deliveries include a required customs admin fee at £65 + £3 per pallet.

 The delivery can take up to 5 working days to reach you.


Certain units are charged on application or might not be available for delivery.


Standard Delivery to Isle Of Man

Delivery charge starts at £97 per unit and varies depending on the size, weight and type of the unit. The delivery can take up to 5 working days to reach you.


Standard Delivery to Isle Of Wight

Delivery charge starts at £60 per unit and varies depending on the size, weight and type of the unit. The delivery can take up to 5 working days to reach you.


Standard Delivery to Scottish Islands

Starting at £129 per unit, the delivery charge varies depending on size, weight and type of order. Please allow up to 5 working days for the order to arrive.


Aborted Delivery Charge

Our transport team works hard to make sure your delivery arrives safely at a time previously agreed on with you.

If the delivery is unsuccessful or you refuse to accept the delivery, there are cancellation charges to cover the cost of bringing the order back to us. This starts at

£140.80 but can go up to £423.50 per unit, depending on the delivery address and the size and weight of the order.

You will not be reimbursed for any extra charges selected for your delivery, such as unpack and position.